A Virtual One-Month Program Designed To Help You Gain A Deeper Understanding Of Your Grief.

Pet Loss Grief School Changes Lives.

Grief School for Pet Loss

Grief school has been created for you.

The 30-day video lessons gently guide you through the process of grief, helping you tap into the power of your mind to foster emotional healing and resilience. Each lesson is designed to support you step by step, providing practical tools to manage your emotions, ease your pain, and gain a deeper understanding of your feelings. You can progress through the program at your own pace, allowing yourself the space and time you need—there’s no pressure or rush to finish. This journey is about healing on your terms, one day at a time.

What you will learn

  • The only requirement for Grief School is that you acquire a notebook/journal to do the assignments in.

  • The program duration is 30 days - work through assignments at your own pace. The price for the program is $19.95.

We Limit Registration So Claim Your Spot


This School is a place for you to learn
how quiet your mind and heal your

This School is a place for you to learn how quiet your mind and heal your

What people are saying about Grief School


July 2020 saw my world turned upside down, when I awoke in the early hours of the 6th to discover that Hugo, my handsome, gentle giant of a British Shorthair cat had passed away in his sleep on my bed. No warning, nothing. Mother Nature decided that as if 2020 hadn't been difficult enough, she would take Hugo from me.

Given the pandemic, I not only had to get my head around this in a matter of moments, but to drive my beautiful boy to the emergency Vet several miles away. Then face what I believed to be the ultimate betrayal of my love for Hugo which was to hand him to a PPE gowned Veterinary Nurse in their car park. Not only was that morning chilly weather wise, icy chills of betrayal engulfed me.

The word 'grief' didn't come close, I was overwhelmed with guilt, and to encapsulate the days and weeks that followed, it is fair to say I was consumed with pretty much every emotional feeling. All the "What if's" followed, day-after-day, night-after-night.

Having had animals my whole life, I am aware that 'society' quickly runs out of patience, compassion and understanding when it comes to pet bereavement.

However throw in a pandemic as well, interest fades even quicker, and very soon I felt hollow.

I live in the UK so how did I discover Kenda Summers and her valuable 'Grief School'? Simply by research. I needed to try to find someone who could get to the crux of how I was feeling and if I couldn't find it here at the precise moment it was needed, I would look elsewhere, especially as I also have two other cats, very much grieving for Hugo so it was essential I did all I could to help me and help them.

Initially, for my own peace of mind, I asked Kenda a vast array of questions, all of which were answered calmly and without judgement or cliché. It was explained to me how she too had suffered losses in her life and as the conversation progressed I felt as though a weight was slowly being lifted from my shoulders at finding someone who understood my distress, offering me reassuring solutions not just standard answers.

My belief is, that when one is grieving, it's of paramount importance any words they hear console and not further inflame. Kenda's words were indeed those of consolation.

Through my research I had already discovered what Kenda's profession is, but as a natural cynic combined with grief, I wasn't sure if hypnosis was for me. It was offered, not 'pushed', but being truthful I felt I had more to gain than to lose, and, as my grief left me completely sleep deprived something had to be done, and this is an element included within Grief School. What I was not expecting was to achieve almost a full night sleep pretty much from the outset!

As time has progressed, these audio recordings together with a genuine sympathetic approach, various unique, interesting modalities, a calm understanding that pet bereavement is not 'second class grief' has helped and continues to help me through one of the most traumatic occurrences ever to impact my life.

I am not 'over' the grief, I am being guided through it by the trusted hand of a professional person who truly and without judgement empathises.

This testimonial may be unusually long, but pet bereavement is often so misunderstood and more worryingly, dismissed.

It is my hope that by writing as I have, others enduring any kind of pet bereavement can be reassured that here is a lady who talks TO you and not AT you, at a time when it's needed most.

An open mind and a willing heart sums up Kenda's approach and I, for one heartily recommend 'Grief School'.

Signed H.P

I lost my lovely boy Goldie to kidney disease on 12 December 2020. Devastated and heartbroken just about sums it up. He'd had problems for over 3 years but largely you would never have known . Up till 2 days before he passed we were walking lots, at least 10 miles a day, often more. He was a rough and tumble kind of dog, muddy fields, the lot. The end was fairly quick as the kidneys failed. I was left without my best pal and a good deal of guilt over the kidney problems, and have questioned my every action about this and indeed all his time with me. I searched online for help and I found Kenda's site. After a really bad week or so I decided on doing the Grief School in an effort to help myself cope. I have really enjoyed it, it's different in that help is never far away and we are helped in our journey through grief by Kenda. We have been shown many techniques to help, and sent many resources to work on which helps us process what's happened. I've made friends through the Zoom meetings which are relaxed and allow us to meet people who understand what we are going through. I'd highly recommend anyone who has lost a fur baby to join. Grief is a journey none of us want to be on, but with the help available it does give us support when we most need it. Signed: G.L.

On November 9 2020 I lost my little cat Sally suddenly to pancreatitis. She was only 5. I was devastated and it still hurts today but it is getting easier. In 2017 I lost 3 of my other cats and in December 2019 I lost my other cat too. I have never really been able to talk about them to anyone and I felt each time I lost one my grief just got shoved down. Also I lost both my parents, my aunt and my little granddaughter in this period too. I have cried so much. Sally's death made me realise that I have never properly dealt with my grief. I feel we are not taught how to grieve or to talk about it. I still struggle at times quite badly. I joined the grief school back in December and I can honestly say that it has helped me so much. Kenda has shown me that what I am feeling is okay. I realise I am not alone and the other members are truly lovely people. We are all going through the same journey. I have learnt so much from this group. The exercises and recordings are really helping me. I highly recommend this private group. Have signed up again for February. Thank you to Kenda and all the other members. You are truly amazing people. Dont know where I would be otherwise. Signed: A.K.

I lost my soulmate on 30th September 2020, to cancer, a very quick and shocking loss that shook my to the core. He was my best friend and the absolute light of my life. I was in a very very bad place - I'm not quite out that place yet to be honest - but I got told about this group by Hazel after she saw me post on another Facebook pet loss group and I realized I needed more than just a place to post photos, I wanted to know that I wasn't alone and I wanted to know how the hell I was meant to even begin to get through this. I knew once I'd found this group that I'd found that place but I still felt so isolated, alone and like I must be crazy because my every waking thought was dominated by my grief. Then Kenda mentioned grief school, so I signed up for January thinking I had absolutely nothing to lose, and honestly it has been a god send. Having weekly chats with people who just 'get it' and make me feel less crazy and less alone, having practical exercises to do to help me process my grief and having things to read to find coping strategies, meditations and hypnosis sessions to help me sleep and start to deal with the plethora of emotions that flood through me daily... Having the support of Kenda and everyone in the group has meant the world. Even my partner has seen how valuable I find the sessions. Grief is a rollercoaster and an utterly horrible horrible time, I miss my boy every single second of every single day, but Grief School has given me just that little bit of hope that it might not always be quite so painful, and I think sometimes, when hope seems totally lost, finding hope in the most unexpected places is the bravest, most beautiful and most precious gift of all. I can't recommend Grief School enough and want to thank Kenda for realizing how very needed something like this was for all of us struggling after losing our beloved animals. I've signed up for February and hope to welcome others there too. Signed: K.F.

Grief School:

35 video tutorials, one for every day of the week. These will guide you in making change, and working through sorrow in a new way.

Expert guest interviews, so you can learn from top pet and grief support experts.

New resources added to help you continue your journey forward.

Move through the content at your own pace—there’s no pressure to finish quickly. Heal and learn as you progress through the lessons in your own time.

No technology skills required. if you can use email, Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube, you can access everything in this course.

Get In Touch With Kenda